Published on 06/08/2018 12:57 pm
Indoor Games for children

When you planning indoor games for kids ranging from age 5 to 12 years, it's most important to choose activities that are both not boring and appropriate and accessible for the entire age group. You also should have too many options available so that when one game gets boring, you can quickly start the new game to keep things fun and moving. Having a variety of games can help keep you prepared and ready for just about any size of the group.

Pass the ball

The children are divided into two teams. They stand in a row behind each other. The first of the row gets a ball. The intention is, after the starting signal, to pass the ball to the next child in the row, around and above the head and between the legs. When the last child has the ball, he walks forward, stays there and starts again. The game is ready when the first child is at the front. The team that finishes first has won.


You need a lot of balls for this. Divide the children into two teams. Every team gets as many balls. These balls are placed behind a line. It is the intention that all balls are brought to the other side as quickly as possible. The children of both teams take turns with a number of balls to the finish line. They can take as many balls as they want but ... if a ball falls on the way, all the balls have to go back to the starting line and have to start again. Taking too many balls at once is not always a good idea!

Balloon relay

Divide the children into two teams. Both teams receive a balloon. The intention is that this balloon is brought from the starting line to the other side and back again but ... the balloon may not be held with the hands. He must therefore be taken with short taps of hands and feet or other parts of the body.
When all children from the team are back at the starting line, the game is finished. The team that is back first has won.

Egg walk

A relay with eggs. Divide the children into two teams. The first child of the team gets a spoon with an egg on it. With this spoon they have to walk a course and back to the starting line. Then follows the second child, etc ... The team that finished first has won.

Estafette with obstacles

Turn off an exciting relay race. It can consist of:
a few meters hopping; Bounce the ball 5 times; Jumping 10x rope; through a hoop; two circles around the pylon; and run back, tap the next participant ...
Divide the children into two teams of an equal number. If one team has one child less, one child must run the relay twice. The team that finishes first has won.
Variant: If it is very hot, you can also add a part with water in between. Throw a cup of water over your head, empty a cup of water, et cetera.

Adhesive relay

Divide the children into two teams. The first child of the team goes to the other side, taps a pylon and runs back again. He grabs the second child by the hand and runs, hand in hand, back to the other side, tapping the pylon again and running back again. This happens until all children have walked back and forth. This is going to be a long string! The team that finishes first has won.


For this game it must be nice and warm weather. Divide the children into two teams. Both teams get a large bucket of water, which is placed on the starting line. On the other side a small, empty bucket is placed. The idea is that this small bucket will be filled with water, but this water can only be transported with a towel. Baptize the towel in the big bucket with water, wrap the wet towel around your neck, run to the other side and wring the towel in the small bucket. Run back quickly because then the next child from the team's turn. The team that is the first to fill the small bucket is the winner. When you play this game with older children, you can also take large buckets instead of small buckets. In toddlers, filling a large bucket may take too long.


Two equal teams are about 4 meters opposite each other, each on a line. The first player goes to someone from the opposing team, while, for example, rubbing his belly. On the way he says what he does not do, eg: 'I hit myself on my head'. The next player must then respond immediately - as he walks to the other side, he hits himself on his head (the text of the previous player). Meanwhile he says, for example, 'I scratch myself on my nose'. This new player then goes nose scratching to the other side etc. Someone who makes a wrong move, or does not respond immediately, who is finished and looks from the sidelines, this is at least as much fun. The remaining person has won.

Cardboard relay

Cut four large pieces of cardboard in advance (for example 4 squares of the same size). The players are divided into two groups and put them in a row. Each row gets two pieces of cardboard. At the start, one piece is laid on the ground, on which they stand. They still have the other piece of cardboard in their hands. When they are on the first piece of cardboard, they put down the next piece. Then they take a step up and stand on the second piece of cardboard. The first piece of cardboard is again packed and put back to the front. Just until the agreed course has been completed. It goes without saying that the players can only stand / walk on the cardboard. The queue that has completed the course in its entirety has, of course, won.

What are you doing

Standing circle. One player starts with a pantomime depiction (for example, by browsing a book). The next in the circle asks him 'Hey, what are you doing?', To which he answers 'I milk a cow'. The asker must in turn act as if he is milking a cow. Then the next one asks: "Hey, what are you doing?". The cow donor now concocts something else, for example: riding a bicycle, standing on his head, getting a child, etc. Also known as: My love, what are you doing?

For more indoor games and list of indoor games visit:

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